mandag den 5. august 2013

The date is set!

Now, all the flights are booked. I'll fly to Copenhagen this evening with my mom since she is going there anyway. Tuesday morning I'll fly to New York via Paris, which means I'll arrive in NY around 3 p.m. Friday I'll fly to Savannah via Charlotte, North Carolina. I just realised how complicated this actually is, I have to change flight a lot, and most of the time I'll be travelling alone, which I have never done before... It's practically a miracle if I even arrive in Savannah.
It has been quite stressing but now that everything is booked and planned, I can just calm down. I have packed almost all of my things, except for some different chargers, sunglasses and stuff like that, so soon, I'm ready to go.
Although I'm starting to get really nervous now, I'm still excited and looking forward to it.
I'm very glad that some of my friends are coming over this afternoon to say goodbye one last time. I don't think I've really realised yet, how long five months actually is, but on the other side I think time will pass really quickly.

My next update will either be from New York or Savannah, so it is now that the interesting part begins! Talk to you soon, Sara xx

2 kommentarer:

  1. eller er det nu via Paris, anyway you'll get there somehow via somewhere, have fun and do not forget to inform me by arrivals, FAR

  2. Soon you will be in Savannah,- enjoy your round-trip,- be careful and trust your senses then everything goes smoothly.
    Can´t wait for news from you, wishing you the best--> from your swedish aunt Ninna.
